Work Packages

WP1 – Regional systemic transformation
Lead: Ruhr-Universität Bochum (DE)
The WP1 team develops the analytical foundations and knowledge to create regional clusters (Hubs4Circularity) of stakeholders focusing on collection, sorting, dismantling as well as reverse logistics for the recycling of PU foams. A blueprint model for building up circular symbiosis structures will be provided for the development of clusters in three European regions.
WP2 – Design for circularity
Lead: Circularise BV (NL)
This work package aims to improve the recyclability of products containing rigid PU foams. Through efficient material and product design as well as the use of digital tools, easy dismantling and future recyclability of products will be ensured.
WP3 – Waste collection and treatment
Lead: Interzero (DE)
This work package analyses, evaluates, and designs a sustainable regional collection system and dismantling processes for appliances and construction waste containing PU rigid foams. Furthermore, a fine-sorting method and device is developed to meet the requirements for the chemical recycling processes.
WP4 – Demonstration of foam recycling
Lead: Covestro Deutschland AG (DE)
This work package develops the chemical recycling of End-of-Life PU foam via chemolysis and smart pyrolysis. The obtained renewable secondary feedstock will consist primarily of polyols or polyol precursors and amines, the latter for re-use in isocyanate production. The re-polyols and re-isocyanates obtained in the way should be used as (near) drop-in chemicals in the production of new rigid polyurethanes.

WP5 – Demonstration of recycled material usage (material testing)
Lead: Unilin Insulations (NL)
This work package converts the intermediates of WP4 towards raw materials for the PU industry (polyols and isocyanates). Moreover, the performance of these raw materials as alternatives to fossil-based materials will be demonstrated by integration of these chemicals into one of the polyurethane applications.
WP6 – Demonstration of the value chain
Lead: Covestro Deutschland AG (DE)
This work package focuses on demonstrating the developed technologies for the value chain at technology readiness level 7 including the necessary sorting and recycling steps. As an example of urban waste containing PU rigid foam, at least 50 refrigerators will be recycled so that a new refrigerator can be produced using recycled PU materials.

WP7 Integrated system analysis and design
Lead: Technische Universität Dortmund (DE)
The objective of WP7 is to analyse and design a regional systemic solution including all interacting systems: logistics, waste separation technologies, chemical technologies, and stakeholder management. The goal is to optimize costs as well as the environmental and the social footprints.
WP8 – Maximisation of Impact
Lead: IZNAB Spolka z Organiczon Odpowiedzialnoscia (PL)
This work package focuses on the dissemination and exploitation strategy to raise awareness about CIRCULAR FOAMs technologies and benefits with the public and policy makers on EU and national levels. Furthermore, education and training concepts and materials will be developed.
WP9 – Project Management
Lead: Covestro Deutschland AG (DE)
The project management work package ensures the efficient, high-quality and timely realisation of the project goals, by the coordination of all activities, of cross-company collaboration, administration of the EU Community contribution and by making sure that the contractual agreements are fulfilled.